COVID-19 guidelines - For Vendors
Vendor Requirements
Please do not attend the Faire if you have respiratory or flu-like symptoms or if you are sick
Must maintain social distance of 6 feet from other vendors, customers, and helpers that do not live in the same household
Face coverings/masks must be worn at all times (if using face shield, you must still wear a mask)
Clean & disinfect your goods and surfaces
Provide hand sanitizer for customer use
Draw two (2) markings on the ground 6 feet apart in front of your booth to indicate proper social distancing to customers (chalk will be supplied at check-in)
Gloves (single-purpose use only) for receiving cash/giving change & showing merchandise. Keep a trash bag in your space to dispose of used gloves
STRONGLY RECOMMENDED: Soap and water in a spray bottle (for your hands), paper towels, and eyewear (sunglasses, safety goggles, or a face shield)